Monday, April 17, 2006

EDR: MT - 002 - Where have I seen you before?

Sometimes I wonder why the Kimiko character doesn't recognize Piro, the poor idiot, considering the number of times she poured coffee on his lap. WAITAMINUTE! It's because his face is generic. Just like every other Megatokyo character. Hence why I go through such an effort to make all their faces and expressions distinct and unique. In Kimiko's case, I wanted her to look the least like her Megatokyo counterpart. Her character, as it was, seems to be constantly changing, without any sort of constant, and a bland personality, to boot. Here, we're giving her a bit of higher reflexes and initiative while keeping a certain amount of naiveness, in order to boost her already simple personality. Hence, why the outcome was RADICALLY different from what was shown here and here. Not to mention it also grabs you and makes you wonder... Does she recognize him from the cafe, or from someplace else? The answer (YES! You guessed right) will be revealed in further installments of this strange trip into something else.
What I used to love about Megatokyo was how different Rodney Caston's writing was from Fred's. This becomes painfully evident by the comic that follows the last two I linked, relinked for your convenience here. In that particular instance, he's obviously making fun of Fred's awful non-working, boring pacing.
Aaaaaaand I have at least one more SECRET plan in the works that may or may not see the light of the day here... It greatly depends on what happens with it. I can't say much besides that!
If you want me to add a link to your site, leave a comment, and I'll get right to it ASAP.

1 comment:

miseriaphyn said...

Agradable analysis et master adaptacion.