Friday, August 18, 2006

XIII - Pages 12B, 13B & 14B (Earth Ending: Fading Memories Into Nothing)

Can't talk right now. Clowns will eat me. Second ending is over by page 16. Expect them sooner than later.

Friday, August 11, 2006

XIII - Pages 14A, 15A and 16A (Wind Ending: Sleeping in Night's Long Arms)
Ending #1 is DONE. Next up, is the second ending, Earth. No more information on the subject. About the Wind Ending: This is the first ending for XIII that I devised. As a matter of fact, for the longest time it was the ONLY ending. Until something happened: And actual time-space difraction that gave birth to endless possibilities, and out of those, 4 were selected as prime examples of what could've happened. Out of all the endings, this is the one that could be considered the "Good Ending". How is it good, you ask? Well, it ends on a positive note, without much depth, drama or psychological stuff. And yes, that means that this is the positive high point of the whole thing: The other endings are increasingly more complex. So, in the end, what really did happen to the guy? I want to believe that he fulfilled his purpose: Killing the 13 people he was set to kill, and then he was gone. That's what he had to do. Why, then, did the girl go with him? I suppose she learnt something important: That she could relate to people, deeply. Or something like that.
Anyways, today I am also posting more Deviant Art stuff. To tell you the truth, I'm posting some stuff that was a bit overdue... So check it out!
Anime Watch!! Check out Chevalier D'Eon. Pre-Revolutionary France + Alchemy + Plot Twists = Delicious.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Friday, August 04, 2006

XIII - Pages 012A & 013A (Wind Ending: Sleeping in Night's Long Arms)

Each of the endings for XIII is associated with one of the classic elements (Wind, Earth, Fire and Water), representing its theme and mood. Each one also has a name by itself, a subtitle that would go right next to the comic's complete title. As such, XIII with the Wind ending is called XIII: The Long Arms of Sleep. The endings are short in page count (Wind has 5 or 6 pages, I think. I can't remember right now, I don't have the thumbnails at hand), but as a whole, they expand the comic's total page count to more than 30.
As a whole, the endings play with the multiverse theory, by branching off in a very specific point of time. The universe in which this story takes place is, thus, very mutable, and us as observers can witness how a succession of events can end in a variety of different ways.
I already have the idea of another story set in XIII's universe. It's not a sequel, but it is set in the same universe, which means some characters may make some cameo appearances. Oh, and this sunday we're making an 8 hr comic challenge (8 pages in 8 hours), so I might finish something new and different from XIII by then. All of this also gives me a perfect chance to refine Dreamless and choose a better title for it.
Now, to talk more about what's happening in the comic lately. As you can see (And I have probably said it as well!), XIII is all about Death,