011 - Inuyasha, Puberty and You (Not an Educational Film)

I always wondered why Inuyasha just didn't... You know? Put it in? 'cause she totally wanted to, too. I guess we can't expect more in such lost cases. I always wondered if Inuyasha's Big Ass sword wasn't some sort of euphenism for something else, until it totally hit me... What do you call a sword (Phallic symbol per excellance) that grows exponentially when taken out, and whose guard becomes all hairy? A PONOS. Why a PONOS, and not a PENIS, you may ask? Well...

The following is a page of a Fate/Stay Night doujin, which trascended time and space like some of its forebears by creating a monstruous meme immortalized by the only place where such ludicrousness can be found: 4chan.org
To the left, the scanslation of the doujin. If you watch the F

On other news, I am pleased to announce that this week I will manage to meet a deadline! For a contest! An online contest! Why am I participating, you may ask? A simple reason, truly: An idea came to me, begging to be drawn. SO IT SHALL BE. Out of last week's deadlines, I managed to finish the Comiquero submission (Still got to send it, though), and although I couldn't finish scripting DREAM(LESS) and had to scrap today's comic in favor of the atrocity you see up there, I can satisfyingly assure you that the scripting process of DREAM(LESS) has been completely revamped, in order to provide a more complete experience. The drawing process will surely change and evolve as I try my hand at drawing the 20-or-so pages as fast and good as I can. Now that I think about it, I must be pretty crazy to attempt this, considering how fuckin' busy I am. Oh well. FOR AWESOME!
EDIT: There's a big chance I won't be able to finish the second comic this week (Reasons being, the other comic submission I barely finished last night, the LOST season Finale tonight, the X3 Premiere on thursday night and the extra work I am doing to earn some extra cash for Anime Expo). If I can, I will upload some sketchbook pics related, of course, to the comics I've posted so far, including the now-infamous Inuyasha As Ukiyo-e pic, along with stories and comments on said pics. Stay tuned!
Great reflection and comic strip!
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