RINGU IS COMING FOR YOU. No wait, it's just a monster man with a red pyramid on his head. Let's call him Red Pyramid. If I were Elle, I'd totally do the same. This is not the end of this story, however... Prepare for more bizarre plotwists! Come back later this week, for more Red Pyramid, more Elle, and more WEIRD.
Progress Report:
a) Comiquero Submission: Deadline is in two weeks. It's just ten (or was it eleven?) pages, already inked, I'm just shading them. Finished so far: 4 pages. After finishing them all, then it's time for post processing them AGAIN, adjusting Levels and balance to give them the crisp, clean look in my YU comics (Which is pretty lame anyways! The difference will be, of course, the higher resolution). Personal deadline: This week for shading, next for post processing.
b) Yet Untitled: Thumbnails for next two comics, storyline for consequent comics is brewing, though not yet finalized. Personal deadline: Finish the two thumbnailed comics by sunday, draft one or two more.
c) DREAM(LESS): Three scripted and thumbnailed pages. Personal deadline: 6-10 more pages of script; if time allows, thumbnails.
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