011 - Inuyasha, Puberty and You (Not an Educational Film)

I always wondered why Inuyasha just didn't... You know? Put it in? 'cause she totally wanted to, too. I guess we can't expect more in such lost cases. I always wondered if Inuyasha's Big Ass sword wasn't some sort of euphenism for something else, until it totally hit me... What do you call a sword (Phallic symbol per excellance) that grows exponentially when taken out, and whose guard becomes all hairy? A PONOS. Why a PONOS, and not a PENIS, you may ask? Well...
You know how I said this page wasn't for kids? I meant it. I TOTALLY MEANT IT, 100%.
The following is a page of a Fate/Stay Night doujin, which trascended time and space like some of its forebears by creating a monstruous meme immortalized by the only place where such ludicrousness can be found: 4chan.org
To the left, the scanslation of the doujin. If you watch the F
ate/Stay Night anime you can get a glimpse of what this image is about; if you dig a bit deeper, you can find what happens in the game (Isn't it fairly obvious, though?). In the end, the whole chapter is like Impro Sex Ed right before and during the act itself. Hilarity ensues. To the right, a small image that pretty much sums everything up.
On other news, I am pleased to announce that this week I will manage to meet a deadline! For a contest! An online contest! Why am I participating, you may ask? A simple reason, truly: An idea came to me, begging to be drawn. SO IT SHALL BE. Out of last week's deadlines, I managed to finish the Comiquero submission (Still got to send it, though), and although I couldn't finish scripting DREAM(LESS) and had to scrap today's comic in favor of the atrocity you see up there, I can satisfyingly assure you that the scripting process of DREAM(LESS) has been completely revamped, in order to provide a more complete experience. The drawing process will surely change and evolve as I try my hand at drawing the 20-or-so pages as fast and good as I can. Now that I think about it, I must be pretty crazy to attempt this, considering how fuckin' busy I am. Oh well. FOR AWESOME!EDIT: There's a big chance I won't be able to finish the second comic this week (Reasons being, the other comic submission I barely finished last night, the LOST season Finale tonight, the X3 Premiere on thursday night and the extra work I am doing to earn some extra cash for Anime Expo). If I can, I will upload some sketchbook pics related, of course, to the comics I've posted so far, including the now-infamous Inuyasha As Ukiyo-e pic, along with stories and comments on said pics. Stay tuned!