003 - The Return of The Prodigal

A bit later than expected, but here it is, a new delivery within the same regular continuity. Don't expect this to last forever, though, as this space is mostly an experimental output for simple, personal graphic narrative and self-parody. But enough of that! Let's talk about the comic, shall we?
Enlightment is hard to define. Many self-announcing gurus often claim to have reached some sort of enlightment within their field of expertise, and what is really funny is how often the image of a man with an ostentous beard is related to a person of great knowledge. Thus, Angel grows a beard in two hours! But how did he do it? Where could he go attain this strange enlightment in such a short space of time? And is this enlightmend the real deal, or just another ruse?
He's a cruel man, most definetely! He leaves poor Elle, zombiefied, lacking a good chunk of her brain, wandering around an empty space for two hours before returning and bringing her back to normal... And messing up her hair! But do not despair, for that is easily fixed, and will be done so the next delivery.
Coming Soon! A PARODY of the highest caliber!
ZOMG!!!! you have a journal!!! this is awsome, this is PODCAST NEWS!!!
i swear!, i like your comics, theyre funny, and clever
for great justice!
If I do attend the Podcast, I will deliver these news myself, if that is no problem.
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