Ok, no. Here's the next two pages. Page 11 is, coincidentally, the last linear page. Which also means it's a HUGE CLIFFHANGER. Don't tell me you never expected THIS move! But you'll surely be surprised by the number of different endings this can lead to.
In other news... There's no news! Just business! Will try to post faster.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
XIII Page 008 & 009

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't updated for a week. I've been busy. With life and stuff. I do not know why making the comic like this has become so complicated, particularly when trying to have some precision, some... I don't know... Quality. Soon, XIII will be over, right? RIGHT?!
I wish. Today, I'll talk about two of my other inspirations for XIII: Anime and Videogames, and will provide some of the specific examples that inspired me in this thing.
First, is one of my favorite artists, Yoshitoshi Abe. His works, from Lain to Haibane Renmei and Robot, have always left a deep mark within myself. Not only they inspire me artistically, they give me a chance to see a different world and feel it as my own. And someone, I really do. The worlds in these works are always a mutable thing, something unpredictable and dynamic. And then this hits the characters and they become trapped in this mutable, unpredictable world... Sometimes, they being the cause of it. This is my little, pathetic homage to that.
The other thing that has influenced this story is the Silent Hill games, which are, in essence, similar to what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. The influence here will become more obvious, though, because XIII doesn't have a single ending. In other words, I will write, draw and post here 4 different endings for the same story, all equally important, all part of the mutable world, all reflecting different things about myself and my world vision. XIII is, ultimately, just a stepping stone, the beginning of a bigger experiment. Either way, if you follow this on a regular basis, you will have to read the endings in order... Just like the Silent Hill videogame, but without having to replay through the whole thing over and over again.
The next comics after XIII's 4th and final ending will probably be crazy one-shots about stupid things in life, before we begin with Dreamless, which should be around twice of XIII's length, and possibly more detailed and strange.
I need to work on my art after this, though... I am not satisfied with it, and how I want to express Dreamless.
Maybe my initial idea will be totally scrapped, and Dreamless will become an entirely different beast. At this point, I really don't care. I just need to get it out.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
XIII Page 009
Well, there goes the door. Luckily, it's easier to break down, considering that bulletholes have the mysterios capability of breaking things sometimes. And, in this case, luck has always been on their side, so it's perfectly possible.
What else can I say? Just two more pages until the Big Announcement. Nobody reads this, anyways, but those who do will be surprised by my little experiment. Until next time.
Monday, July 10, 2006
XIII Page 007

So, first things first... NEWS! I am back from Anime Expo and had a blast. I was also still down with Teh Salmonella (I blame the food at work, which is why I'm never eating at that place again), which meant a lot of meds and eating the greenests Subway subs every day for a week (I can't complain much, though, 'cause I love mine Subways to death, even if it's a fridge-cold sandwich, like the one I had for breakfast on Monday July 3rd).
Second news item: Did I mention I might need glasses? I took the Good Ol' Glasses I used nearly 5 years ago (I got better. Seriously! I was a computer junkie back then, but now that I have to work on a computer for nearly 9 hours a day it's become increasingly difficult to keep the insane migraines away). They still kinda work! Amazing. I still got to go check with the eye doctor, though, 'cause I'm pretty sure I will need to get some adjustments in these. Any autobiographical comics post-today will probably include myself with glasses, which will probably give you a good temporal reference.
I did say two new pages, right? Well, I wasn't kidding. Here's the other new page. Was that disapponting? Don't think of it that way. Re-read everything once again. Some thing may make more sense now.
The shocking revelation will definetely have to wait. Mark your count: Page Eleven. It's entirely coincidental... But there are no coincidences, really. Eleven is the number of my birth, after all.
Though there is one thing to mention concerning the throughput of pages of XIII from now on. I feel 100% better, but I am still taking it easy, which means I will be making 1.5 pages every two days, in average. Be patient... I am still ahead (How do you think I know Page Eleven is the one with the ominous announcement? It's already inked and scanned, sitting right in the pile where all the other XIII pages lie), which means I can manage to be regular for a while.
Now, Anime Expo! Pre-Day, June 30th, Flight and Arrival. The most unexpected thing was that I got a huge rash. All over my face and shoulders. That freaked out my Party Roommates (Abraham, Gela, Maiky and Myself were in the Party Room; the rest of the guys were in the Boring Room; our assesment was 100% correct!), because I looked real bad. The flight was early, so I was the first one to arrive at the hotel. That was a quite evening. We played some New Super Mario Bros. VS and I discovered that Maiky was a mean abyss dumper (Which means he has a tendency to kill you by jumping on top of your head right on top of an abyss! A cruel way of getting rid of your enemy!), and Argentina lost against Portugal in penalty kicks. Oh well! Better luck next time, boys! Thanks to the magic of Pre-Register and a US address, Abraham and myself already had our badges, so we just went to the ACC to pick up our badge holder and programmes. It was amazing seeing all those cosplayers camping outside a whole day before the actual convention. Borderline surreal... If we weren't from Mexico, it wouldn't have felt so natural. It was pretty exciting, actually. That night, I had a hard time going to sleep. And yet, it was a restful sleep... Necessary for the hectic day that was July 1st! Opening Ceremonies! Clamp! AMV! But that's the subject of another post.
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