Wednesday, March 29, 2006

001 - The Predisposition of Imaginary Acquaintances

Ah, here comes again! A vague recollection, a teaser of sorts, an introduction to the episodic delusions of our characters! Let us take this chance to introduce them a bit more properly.

The guy seen in this strip is one of the two "Main" characters of the "Main" stories, if "Main", they can be called, and if they can ever be considered stories. He is a shameless self-insertion; or rather, a projection of a supposedly bitter young man who tries to draw comics for the sake of doing so. His name is Angel, and his conscience betrays him, as his imagination spawns a bizarre individual self-styled character of its own...

Elle, part of Angel's imagination, can apparently phase into existance at will, doesn't it? I assure you it is not. There's a reason she's there then, and not before: Angel just hadn't noticed, and she made sure to look very, very much like a car's upholstery and stayed very, very quiet about it. Despite being imaginary, though, Elle can interact with the comic.reality in pretty much the same way Angel can. Which is to say, borderline bizarre.

Stylistically, this is a follow-up of the last strip, which was, in the purest sense of the word, an experiment. This one is as well, but it already steps into the familiar ground of introducing characters and consequently developing them. Expect the art to become more fluid and consistent, possibly surreal, while the artist gets further into a sugar-induced storytelling binge. Avast!


Monday, March 27, 2006

000 - The Internet Is For... What?

And lo, so begins a journey. 'tis nothing but an experiment, so far, but it's a start. The real fun begins soon. Tomorrow, maybe? Or is it the day after that? Is there a schedule of sorts?
Questions, questions, questions. Their answers are irrelevant. Let's just sit back and enjoy the life.

You may be wondering, though, what has prompted me to display such an outrage towards a little-known subculture of the Harry Potter internet fandom, with such a blatant display of pure, unabased anger towards their expressions of love towards the characters they've grown so fond of? This does have an immediate answer, and it goes something like this:

People have the right to have fantasies. But that doesn't mean they have to shove it in our faces in crudely drawn manners that portray a rather "dettached-from-reality" view of events. While I am in no position to judge what could be counted as sexual perversion (Me, being a bit of a pervert as well, though not as bizarre), I can honestly say that there's a limit to good taste. And it seems our little character up there watched how that treshold was met, jumped over, and shat on. Disgraceful! Her warcry will go unheard, but what is important is the panacean effect this can have on any character, not just our dear Elle.

Her cure is mine as well. This space is a consequence of a bizarre turn of events, which will be told in a graphic fashion just soon enough. Meanwhile, here are some buttons for your troubles: